Thursday, February 8, 2007

welcome to my blog

To kick off this blog, a little ditty on the states and countries I've been to. I know quality > quantity (oh boy has living in China taught me that lesson), but it's nice to have a geographic imagining of the places I've been, and oh, the places I'll go!

United States of america:

create your own visited states map

I've been to (the airports of) other states in passing but I'm trying to be honest here. Have I really never been to Michigan? or the Carolinas? Looks I really need to roadtrip through pretty much all of the West. It's a shame that my cousin is from New Mexico and yet I've never been...Route 66 anyone?

Now for this earth:

create your own visited countries map

Here I thought 2 years abroad was finally licking my wanderlust now looking at the map makes me dream about all the places I have yet to see: Cambodia, Vietnam, Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, North Korea, South Africa, Egypt, Denmark, Australia, Spain, Italy, India, and Nepal are at on the immediate short list. And in two weeks, the Philippines will also be highlighted red.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you can visit me and the four corners states anytime! We can even get some tortilla soup and green chile in Santa Fe if you let me stay with you in Beijing :-)