Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Links for 2008-2-22

- Much ado about abang: is launching a Chinese version called, bang as in 帮. Read Thomas Crampton's interview of Matt Roberts, the founder:
But 1) 一帮人的帮 or bang as in "group" connotes to me a "group" of hoodlums rather than "group" of people who help (帮助) each other. 2) If only they unblocked it, Wikipedia would totally serve the purpose of a go-to online encyclopedia. It allows for a true marketplace of ideas where facts are up for revision and debate by the community as opposed to written by a few salaried "experts".

- This story of suicide was sad because it is both so common and almost always unheard. But in a country full which silences students from talking about their broken-hearted or stressed-out frieds who resort to taking their lives, maybe we need to read a few of these stories for it to hit home, just how precious life is.

- I wrestled with the Danwei question on how to translate "cheng guan" (城管) for awhile. The Chinese in the office thought "city administrative official" was appropriate, but in light of recent stories about just how out of hand their "administrative" duties can be (See beating death story of blogger Wei Wehua also linked in Danwei), maybe "municipal officer" would be more fitting. See comments for even harsher titles.

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